
Newsletter: 23 July 2018

Scout24 AG acquires, one of the leading consumer finance platforms in Germany

Scout24 AG , a leading operator of digital marketplaces specializing in the real estate and automotive sectors in Germany and other selected European countries signed an agreement yesterday evening to acquire all shares of FFG FINANZCHECK Finanzportale GmbH (“”), a German online comparison portal for consumer loans. Scout24 agreed to acquire from Acton Capital Partners, btov Partners, Highland Europe, HarbourVest Partners and’s Founder and CEO, and others (collectively the “Selling Shareholders”).


BlackFin Capital Partners closes EUR180 million fintech fund

BlackFin Capital Partners is staking a claim to be the largest independent fintech fund in Europe, after completing a €180-million final closing with participation from top-tier banks and insurance houses. Institutional investors joining the pool include Bpifrance, Vaudoise Assurances Group, Groupama, Sogecap , Natixis Assurances, Swiss Life, German public bank KfW, Belgian insurer Securex, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, and Banque Populaire et Caisse d’Epargne.


Aazzur and Growney join the line-up- FinTech Forum’s 5th Anniversary Edition

Joining the line-up startups selected to present at FinTech Forum’s 5th Anniversary Edition (22nd Nov. 2018 in Frankfurt) are Growney a digital Investment Advice company with a transparent, cost- effective and simple product for retail customers in Germany, andAAZZUR, an intelligent account aggregator with a functionality layer, where customers connect their accounts thanks to PSD2 and OpenBanking, tailored to international customers.


7 Questions with Bernd Wendeln, Miles & More

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am with the Miles & More longer than most Fintechs exist: More than seven years now. And it’s still far from being boring.

I am a growth-oriented payment and loyalty expert and have been working for credit card companies as well as for consulting firms. I don’t see myself as a classic banker. I prefer direct and open contact with my team and partner companies – and I like to wear colourfulclothing.

After Getsafe, 1822direkt to partner with Clark

Der Robo-Adviser Clark hat kürzlich seine Partnerschaft mit der ING-DiBa verloren. Denexklusiven Zugang zu neun Millionen Bankkunden hat nun der französische Versicherer Axa. Das Frankfurter Start-up hat jedoch schnell einen neuen Kooperationspartnergefunden: die einst von der Frankfurter Sparkasse gegründete Onlinebank 1822direkt, diebereits mit Getsafe gemeinsame Sache macht. Allianzen zwischen Insurtechs und Bankennehmen zu, doch Erfolgszahlen möchte keiner preisgeben.


Two FinTechs, one goal: cooperates with asset manager Werthstein, Europe’s largest platform for transparent investment strategies, and digital asset manager Werthstein cooperate to make direct access to financial investments even easier. From now on, Werthstein also implements the investment topics it developed for asset management in wikifolios. Furthermore, wikifolio certificates are becoming part of theWerthstein asset management offer and are available to its customers for diversification.


Online lender Creditshelf gains after listing on exchange

Das deutsche Fintech-Unternehmen Creditshelf hat bei seinem Börsengang insgesamt 16,5 Millionen Euro erlöst. Wie das Unternehmen am Donnerstag mitteilte, wurden bei einem festen Angebotspreis von 80 Euro je Anteil 206.250 Aktien bei Investoren platziert.


Expanding your startup? Here’s how to choose the right markets

You’ve decided it’s time to expand your startup internationally. The next question is: where to? Too often I see European companies taking the default routes of either going straight to the US or adding an “easy” nearby market — from Germany to Austria, for example, or from the UK to Ireland. At the same time a full Mckinsey-style market analysis for a company with 50 people is a little over the top. Below is a four-step framework to help you choose the right next market(s).


Why an online kender is opening an Offline-Store

Am Freitag eröffnet das Kreditvermittlungsunternehmen eine Filiale in Hameln. Ein Online-Service zum Anfassen? Mit echten Menschen, die beraten, organisieren und sich persönlich kümmern? In Zeiten anonymer, digitaler Fintech-Dienstleister nicht nur der richtige Schritt, sondern nur der erste von vielen, wie die Geschäftsführer Rolf Meisel und Fabian Simon uns wissen lassen.


SIBOS / Innotribe for FinTechs: join us in Sydney, Oct. 22-25

With over 7,000 senior decision makers from the world’s banks and financial institutions and nearly 200 exhibitors, Sibos is the world’s premier global financial services event. As a FinTech, Sibos is the event for you to meet and connect with banks and financial institutions from around the world. Join us in Sydney from October 22nd to 25th as an exhibitor in the Discover Zone or simply attend on a special FinTech delegate pass.