Investor/ Corporate Network

Our 22 events have brought together 360+ startups and 1800+ investors and financial institutions, while our newsletter and social media presence has grown to over 20k. Scroll down for summaries of all our completed events, the participating investors, corporates and startups, and reach out to to get on their radar. For weekly updates on active and new FinTech-focused investors, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

Completed Events

13th FinTech Forum  

Agenda: Thursday, 18th Nov. 2021

(Digital Streaming: 14:00 – 17:30 CET)

12:30 – 13:00 Registration

13:00 – 14:00 Networking/ Lunch

14:00 – 14:10 Welcome Note: Frank Schwab, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

14:10 – 14:20 European FinTech Deal Highlights: Samarth Shekhar, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum; EMEA Lead, SixThirty Ventures.

14:20 – 15:00 Startup Pitches – Round 1

aisot | Insaas | Wequity | Vermögensheld

15:00 – 15:15 InsurTech Trends to Watch- David Schäffler, Hannover Digital Investments

15:15 – 15:30 FinTech Trends to Watch– Cynthia Nadal, SeedX Liechtenstein

15:30 – 15:35 Introducing IDA Ireland for FinTechs – Daragh Hanratty, IDA Ireland

15:35 – 16:00 Coffee / Networking

16:00 – 16:40 Startup Pitches – Round 2


16:40 – 17:00 An LP’s “Startup” Journey- and Why Emerging VCs Matter – Ertan Can, Multiple Capital

17:00 – 17:30 Panel Discussion: The VC Investment Portfolio for 2022 and beyond. Panelists: May Wang, FinVC | Robin Buschmann, Commerzbank | Semih Kacan, Swisscom Ventures; Moderator: Frank Schwab

Nearly two years since COVID-19 changed financial services – and our lives – forever, we ask our panelists which two startups (real or imaginary / yet to be founded) they would love to have in their portfolio of angel or venture capital investments for 2022 and beyond.

17:30 -18:30 Networking Drinks

Presenting startups “in a Tweet”

aisot real-time insights for trading and asset management for data-driven decision-making. next generation market research to understand consumers and power personalised financial services.

Wequity “be the first to know the ESG risks of your investments” – real-time AI-powered insights from news & social media.

Vermögensheld gaming-driven financial education and wealth advice “as a service” for the digital generation.

ALLINDEX SaaS solution helping asset managers, banks etc. create and back-test direct indexing solutions tailored to themes (e.g. ESG) or tax savings.

AAZZUR Create fully-customised and branded mobile banking apps within just 6 to 10 weeks using their Smart Finance Blocks.

Delega Helps corporates and their banks digitise and manage signatory rights via an end-to-end workflow solution.

Investors / guest speakers on stage

Cynthia Nadal, SeedX Liechtenstein

Daragh Hanratty, IDA Ireland

David Schäffler, Hannover Digital Investments

Ertan Can, Multiple Capital

May Wang, Fin Venture Capital

Robin Buschmann, Commerzbank

Semih Kacan, Swisscom Ventures

Selection of participating firms


Accelerator Frankfurt





Fin Venture Capital

Holger Assmann (Investor)

Hannover Digital Investments

Iconic Holding

IDA Ireland


Multiple Capital

SeedX Liechstenstein

SixThirty Ventures

Steffen Seeger (Business Angel)

Swisscom Ventures

United Ventures



12th FinTech Forum  

Agenda: 19th Nov. 2020 

Due to the COVID-19 situation, after careful consideration, we decided to hold the 12th FinTech Forum as an online event with an adapted agenda. 

14:00 – 14:10 Welcome Note: Frank Schwab, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

14:10 – 14:20 European FinTech Deal Map: Samarth Shekhar, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

14:20 – 15:00 Startup Pitches I with Q&As

Brian Nolan, Finteum | Carl v Halem, Commnex | Wladimir Huber,KlickOwn | Gustas Germanavicius, EVOESTATE

15:00 – 15:20 Guest Speakers I

Astrid Freier: Partner, DACH, Vidici Ventures

Oliver Werneyer: Co-Founder & CEO, Imburse Payments

15:20 – 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:10 Startup Pitches II with Q&As

Alexander Schlicher, My Football Space | Sandipan Chakraborty, Sonect | Martin Kreitmair, Tangany | Morgan Deane, Spherium

16:10 – 16:30 Guest Speakers II

Manuel Silva Martinez: General Partner, Mouro Capital

Daniel Andemeskel: Head of Innovation at Universal Investment

16:30 – 17:00 Panel Discussion: FinTech Investing in the (post-) COVID Era

Paula Blazquez Solano: Head of Investments at InnoCells (Banco Sabadell)

Ertan Can: Managing Partner, Multiple Capital

Balkrishna Dubey: Managing Director, Nagarro Germany

Max Lautenschläger: MP & Co-Founder, Iconic Holding

Moderated by Frank Schwab, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

Presenting Startups “in a Tweet”

CommneX: a digital brokering platform for credit- and deposits from municipalities and municipal enterprises

EvoEstate: a real estate investment aggregator- investors from 72 countries can invest in 18 crowdfunding platforms from a single account.

Finteum: a platform for interbank intraday lending, enabling treasurers to borrow and lend for hours at a time

KlickOwn: blockchain-enabled platform offering a superior real estate investing experience for everyone

My Football Space: Blockchain-based fan loyalty & more

SONECT: “Uber for ATM” – use your smartphone to pick up cash at over 2,300 partner shops.

Spherium Labs: decentralized financial services – from lending & borrowing to investing & trading – compliant to Islamic finance rules.

Tangany: a (soon) regulated white-label custody solution for digital assets on blockchain- infrastructure, safe wallet storage, plus compliance.

Investors / Guest Speakers

Astrid Freier: Partner, DACH, Vidici Ventures

Balkrishna Dubey: Managing Director, Nagarro

Daniel Andemeskel: Head of Innovation at Universal Investment

Ertan Can: Managing Partner, Multiple Capital

Manuel Silva Martinez: Partner, Head of Investments, Mouro Capital (earlier Santander InnoVentures)

Max Lautenschläger: Co-Founder, MD & COO of Iconic Holding

Oliver Werneyer: Co-Founder & CEO, Imburse Payments

Paula Blazquez Solano: Head of Investments at InnoCells (Banco Sabadell)

Sign up here for weekly updates on the event, Q&As with leading startups and investors, as well as round-up of FinTech funding rounds, deals and funds.

11th FinTech Forum  

Agenda: 19th Nov. 2019 

10:00 – 10:30 Event Registration

10:30 – 10:40 Welcome Note: Frank Schwab, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

10:40 – 10:50 FinTech Deal Highlights: Samarth Shekhar, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

10:50 – 11:50 Startup Pitches I

  • f-fex (Germany): a new, intelligent portfolio advisory tool with innovative fund evaluation and selection.
  • Coinmat (Switzerland): the first professional operator of ATMs for crypto currencies with a financial approval
  • Bizbot (Norway): helps entrepreneurs and investors manage their cap tables, via an easy-to-use use and connected platform.
  • Coindex (Germany): digital asset manager to purchase, manage and store an index-based crypto portfolio.
  • iCEIBA (UK): The Litigation Claims Financing Platform powered by Blockchain
  • Forctis (Switzerland): offers Asset Representation System- a Blockchain inspired by the way DNA works.

11:50 – 12:30 Guest Speakers

Assaf Shamia, Giesecke+Devrient Ventures

Jens Jennissen, Founder, (exit to Raisin)- Journey to Exit

Daragh Hanratty, VP Financial Services, IDA Ireland“Elevator Pitch”

12:30 – 13:30 Buffet & Networking

13:30 – 14:30 Startup Pitches II

  • Lingua Custodia (France): AI for high-end translations in finance e.g. fund prospectus, equity research etc.
  • Remipay (Germany): enterprise solution for simple multi-currency payments on all devices.
  • Trality (Austria): Making the tools of Wall Street available to everyone with algo-trading bots.
  • Wechselgott (Germany): the one and only contract manager – monitor, cancel and optimise (recurring) contracts.
  • Nodeventure (Austria): stores digital assets safely and profitably by reducing the entry barriers for blockchain systems.
  • Ybanking (Poland): a virtual bank offering multiple products via a Platform-as-a-Service.

14:30 – 15:00 Coffee & Networking

15:00 – 15:45 Guest Speakers

Nikolai Dördrechter, XTP Group & Karl-Heinz Passler, Basler VersicherungenMapping the InsurTech Opportunity for FinTechs & Banks

Christian Knott, Capnamic VenturesBanks in the Open Banking Era- from Surviving to Thriving via Partnerships

15:45 – 16:15 Panel Discussion: “When finance becomes an add-on”FinTechs make it easy to embed financial services into the customer workflows of other sectors, but are incumbents prepared for an era of „backstage banking” (or insurance)?


– Christian Arndt, High-Tech Gründerfonds

– Matthias Klein, Management Partners Group

– Peter Barkow, Barkow Consulting

– Terrie Smith, Digiseq

Moderator: Frank Schwab, FinTech Forum.

16:15+ Networking Drinks


Participating Companies



Balgheim Consult

Barkow Consulting



Capnamic Ventures




Deutsche Bank







G+D Ventures

Gulf International Bank

Hal9K Capital

Hasso Plattner Institute

Heidelberger Vermögen

Heussen Law

High-Tech Gründerfonds


ING Group

Irish Development Authority

Lingua Custodia

Lithuanian Business Angel Network

Lufthansa Airplus

Management Partners Group


Merrill Lynch

Nissay / NIppon Life




Santander UK


SixThirty Ventures




Wuestenrot Bank



10th FinTech Forum

(Completed: 22nd Nov. 2018)


10:00 – 10:30 Event Registration

10:30 – 10:40 Welcome Note: Frank Schwab, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

10:40 – 10:50 FinTech Deal Highlights: Samarth Shekhar, Co-Founder, FinTech Forum

10:50 – 12:10 Startup Pitches I

Imburse Payments

12:10 – 12:30 Keynote: Thorsten Terweiden, InvestHK

12:30 – 12:45 Essential lessons from Germany’s first FinTech: Laurens Mauquoi, Smava

12:45 – 13:45 Buffet & Networking

13:45 – 14:00 Financial Services innovation by Be TSE: Dirk Fuchs, Be Think, Solve, Execute

14:00 – 14:10 Creating a loyalty platform with financial services: Bernd Wendln, Miles & More

14:10 – 15:20 Startup Pitches II

Fractal Blockchain
JUNIUS Capital
Neon Banking

15:20 – 15:35 Coffee Break

15:35 – 16:05 Panel Discussion: German FinTech, Outside Backers- Fast Forward 2023

Andreas Thümmler, Acxit Capital Partners
Dr. Christian Nagel, Earlybird Venture Capital
Hans de Back, Finch Capital
Kerstin Eichmann, Innogy Innovation Hub
Paul Morgenthaler, CommerzVentures
Moderators: Frank Schwab & Michael Mellinghoff

16:05 – 16:20 Fireside chat: Nektarios Liolios- 5 years accelerating FinTech globally (with Michael Mellinghoff)

16:20 – 16:30 FinTech Forum Retro- 5 Years in 10 Minutes: Samarth Shekhar

16:30+ Networking Drinks

Presenting Startups “in a Tweet”

  • AAZZUR is an intelligent account aggregator with a functionality layer, where customers connect their accounts thanks to PSD2 and OpenBanking, tailored to international customers. They have acquired live Alpha customers already, and were part of the TechStars Berlin program (2018).
  • advinda is disrupting how the Alternative Investment industry raises institutional capital- a simple CRM solution combined with proprietary investor intelligence on more than $68 trillion AUM in the cloud.
  • BITA, is “the S&P of crypto indices“- the first professional index and data provider in the digital asset space to develop, calculate and disseminate real-time indexes and proprietary datafeeds covering the digital asset universe.
  • CCEX Cloud Commodities Exchange enables Cloud Computing Resources e.g. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, etc. to be traded similar to traditional commodities such as crude oil, gas, electricity, etc. via already existing exchanges
  • CrowdDesk offers “full-service Fundrasing-as-a-Service: digitised and standardised issuing and investment processes for SMEs, startups or public agencies who need to raise capital through the crowd”. Cooperation with GLS Bank on Europe’s first crowd-investing platform of a bank.
  • DACEBOOK– Digital Asset Class Exchange Book (TM) enables institutional investors to onboard, trade and process Digital Asset Class (DAC) products with enterprise grade vendor data and smart technology solutions.
  • finbc is the P2P receivables exchange and financing platform for SME on the blockchain, enabling international invoicing and payments- both regular or cryptocurrency- right out of the ERP system.
  • ForexFix offers easy and fast hedging against currency fluctuations for small and medium businesses who are doing business internationally and have costs or revenues in foreign currencies. Our service is easy to use and less expensive.
  • Fractal Blockchain offers on-boarding and payment software for Token Launches (ICOs) – a multidisciplinary, international endeavour- with a focus on compliance and usability.
  • Growney is a digital Investment Advice company with a transparent, cost- effective and simple product for retail customers in Germany. They recently signed a cooperation with Signal Iduna, and receives high ratings from the independent non-profit consumer website
  • Imburse Payments is “the first end-to-end platform to solve customer value challenges at transaction level using AI/ML to optimise the offer/transaction technology combination”. With 3 committed PoCs, they have won “Best Pitch” at Swiss Fintech event and accepted to the Plug n Play Europe Batch 0 (Insurtech).
  • Neon Banking is Switzerland’s 1st independent #mobile bank–free banking, offering simple, mobile and free everyday banking – free current account linked with Debit MasterCard and variety of third party products. They recently announced a cooperation with Hypothekarbank Lenzburg.
  • RYSKEX is the next level of RISK EXchange, offering a hedging platform for insurance risks embedded in a B2B ecosystem. It brings together risk management units and institutional investors via a blockchain-based P2P approach supported by AI and an own token.
  • XTECH is a German cryptocurrency exchange, enabling access to the hottest coins in the cryptocurrency ecosystem to both professional and amateur traders.
  • is building the first fully regulated index replication mechanism for ETF crypto investing based in Germany.

Participating Companies


Acxit Corporate Finance

advinda Investor Cloud


BDK Bank

Be Think, Solve, Execute

Bita Data

Börsen Zeitung

CCEX Cloud Commodities Exchange

City Eschborn



DC Placement Advisors


Earlybird Venture Capital


Finch Capital

First Momentum Ventures


Fractal Blockchain


Hasso Plattner Institute

HighTech Gründerfonds

Helaba Digital

Heussen Law

Imburse Payments

Innogy Innovation Hub


KfW Capital

Lufthansa AirPlus

Miles & More


Neon Banking



Specific Group


Wüstenrot Bank

XAnge Venture Capital

yabeo Management

+ several Business Angels

Previous Events

10th FinTech Forum: Franfurt, Nov. 2018. Event summary: 10th FinTech Forum shows the next wave of FinTechs, investments, partnerships and M&A is here

FinTech Forum On Tour | UK FinTech meets Germany: Frankfurt, Mar. 2018. Event summary:

9th FinTech Forum: Frankfurt, Sep. 2017. Event Summary: FinTech Forum’s 4th anniversary edition- a reflection of European FinTech’s successes and travails

FinTech Forum On Tour | InvestTech: London, Apr. 2017

FinTech Forum On Tour | FinTech meets Telecom: Frankfurt, Mar. 2017

8th FinTech Forum in Tweets: Frankfurt, Nov. 2016

FinTech Forum On Tour | FinTech meets Travel: Neu-Isenburg, Sep. 2016

FTF On Tour | Robo Advice in Tweets: Berlin, Jun. 2016

7th FinTech Forum in Tweets: Frankfurt, Apr. 2016

6th FinTech Forum in Tweets: Frankfurt, Nov 2015

FTF On Tour | InvestTech in Tweets: London, Sep. 2015

5th FinTech Forum- A Summary: Vienna, Jun. 2015

4th FinTech Forum in Tweets: Frankfurt, Apr. 2015

3rd FinTech Forum in Tweets: Frankfurt, Nov. 2014

2nd FinTech Forum in Tweets: Frankfurt, May 2014

1st FinTech Forum– A Summary: Frankfurt, Nov. 2013


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