
Newsletter: 8th Dec. 2017

Savedroid launches ICO to enable crypto savings for everyone
The FinTech startup savedroid, which specializes in artificial intelligence,launches the first German ICO (Initial Coin Offering) for blockchain inclusion: in the future, savedroid users can easily exchange their savings amounts in Bitcoin or Ethereum and save them securely. In the future, savedroid will also allow Otto normal savers easy access to crypto currencies without technological barriers to adaptation.

Sutor Bank joins CashCape to offer fully automated digital credit process 
The Sutor Bank has joined the Fintech startup CashCape, the first credit company to their banking platform. CashCape offers its customers credit approval and payment within a very short time via smartphone app.

Ad: WeWork Offer for FinTech Forum community
With WWHD72430 you can sign up for a Hot Desk online and receive 50% discount for up to 3 months.

Fidor wants to win the Middle East for itself
Fidor Bank has been increasingly focusing on innovations and new digitally driven concepts for addressing customers for several years. The company, which was already a FinTech is driving the expansion forward. Fidor has established its Regional Center for the Middle East and Africa (MEA) at Dubai Silicon Oasis. 

Interview mit Johann Horch, CEO der niiio finance group AG, nach der HV am 1. Dezember in Görlitz
„Herr Horch, Sie haben den Sitz der niiio finance group von Köln nach Görlitz verlegt. Was waren denn Ihre Beweggründe?“ Johann Horch: „Görlitz ist seit Jahren Hauptsitz der DSER, dem Hauptaktionär der niiio finance group AG und wir sind mit der Stadt, dem Oberbürgermeister und dem künftigen Ministerpräsidenten des Landes Sachsen sehr eng verbunden, das hat sich auch bei der HV gezeigt….

Recommendations for digital development in Germany
The Parliamentary State Secretary Jens Spahn has received a number of recommendations from the FinTechRat, a voluntary panel of experts. These include ways in which Germany can further strengthen its potential as a FinTech location and take better account of digital developments. Not only FinTech companies, but also representatives of banks, insurance and science contributed to the paper.

Evonik participates in Digital + Partners / Focus on IndustrialTech and FinTech Companies / Group continues to drive digitalization forward
Evonik provides venture capital for young digital companies. The company is involved through its venture capital arm in the Digital Growth Fund I of the growth investor Digital + Partners based in Munich. The fund provides growth capital to fast-growing young IndustrialTech and FinTech companies with proven and successful B2B business models.

Crowdinvesting pioneer Companisto suffers heavy losses
The Berlin crowdinvesting platform Companisto tripled its losses last year. As can be seen in the 2016 financial statements recently published in the Federal Gazette. 

The E-Commerce Berlin Awards 2018 
The E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2018 is only 2 months away and you can now nominate your favorite companies to be recognised at the E-Commerce Berlin Awards 2018 on the stage of Berlin’s biggest e-commerce event of the year on February 15, 2018! Find out more about the E-Commerce Berlin Awards 2018   here .

Asset management startups using blockchain get their own trade body: MAMA
The Multichain Asset Management Association (or MAMA for short) was recently formed at the first annual M-0 conference in Zug, Switzerland. Initiated by Melonport AGMME Legal Tax Compliance and Bussmann Advisory with the support of the Switzerland-based Canton of Zug Economic Affairs, MAMA’s 22+ founding members will function as a trade body.