
Newsletter, 14 Juni – 20 Juni 2014

FastBill erhält Internet Startup Award 2014 für erfolgreiches Bootstrapping


FastBill stellt ein für die deutsche Startup-Szene hervorragendes Beispiel innovativer und erfolgsorientierter Gründer dar, die sich trotz des Hypes um die allgemeinen Finanzeirungsstrategien erfolgreich im Markt durchgesetzt haben.


Swarm, Berlin’s New Crowdfunding Platform With A Bitcoin Twist


Crowdfunding has been growing in popularity and along with this trend new platforms are being launched to get in on the action. Entrepreneur and software developer Joel Dietz took a look at the different crowdfunding platforms and thought, “Wow, I can do this so much better.” So, he created Swarm, a decentralized crowdfunding platform that allows startups to issue their own digital currency, or cryptocurrency, in order to raise funds.

Zahlen per Social Media – was sagt die BaFin dazu?


Geschäftsmodelle für P2P-Zahlungen können sich nicht darauf stützen, als bloßer Zahlungsauslösedienst der Erlaubnispflicht zu entkommen. Die Erlaubnispflicht besteht allerdings nicht, wenn sich das Start-up auf IT und Marketing beschränkt und mit einem lizenzierten Institut kooperiert.

Another step toward a Crypto-Bank


Munich-based Fidor Bank AG  took another giant leap forward in their investment in decentralized and open-source technologies, becoming the first bank to use the Ripple payment protocol,  an open-source decentralized payment network that focuses on conducting fast, cheap and secure transactions.

Mambu-Announcing Offline Support for Mambu Mobile 


We work with a growing number of financial innovators, who are innovating both in the simple tailored banking products that they offer to underserved customers, but also in the channels they use to deliver those products.

The ayondo Group Successfully Rebrands to Focus on Social Trading


The Spread Betting and CFD Broker Gekko Global Markets Limited, which has been active in the UK since 2009 has successfully completed its rebranding to ayondo markets Limited (‘ayondo markets’). This brings ayondo markets, which is headquartered in London, closer together with Frankfurt based ayondo GmbH (‘ayondo’), both of which reside under the parent investment company, ayondo Holding AG.

So machen auxmoney-Nutzer Lendico im Netz schlecht


Der Verdacht liegt nahe, dass diverse Rezensionen, Bewertungen und Kommentare zu und über Lendico nicht von echten Nutzern stammen. Es geht somit um Fake-Kommentatoren und Pseudo-Rezensenten. Im konkreten Fall stammen alle von vermeintlichen Hardcore-Nutzern des Wettbewerbers auxmoney.



Mangopay to Sponsor ECN CrowdTuesday Events


The European Crowdfunding Network (ECN) has found a lead sponsor for their previously announced ongoing CrowdTuesday events.   MANGOPAY, one of the main European payment providers, has accepted to become a gold sponsor for the crowdfunding industry’s gatherings initiated by ECN.

EXASOL Makes World’s Fastest In-Memory Analytic Database Even Faster


EXASOL AG,, the provider of EXASolution the world’s most powerful engine for analytics and data warehousing, is pleased to announce the latest release of EXASolution Version 5.



RapidMiner acquires big data analytics company Radoop


Cambridge-based predictive analytics company RapidMiner announced on Tuesday that it has acquired Radoop, an analytics company that optimizes the big data platform  known as Hadoop.