Q&A, Q&A- Startups

Q&A with Paul Resch of Valutico

Paul Resch | Valutico
  1. The Big Idea / your startup “in a Tweet”: Valutico provides the financial services industry with groundbreaking data-driven tools so that they can conduct their analysis more efficiently and in a methodological fashion. Valuation advisory is complex, however Valutico’s integrated valuation solution reduces the time it takes to do a valuation from days to merely hours.
  2. Tell us a bit about yourself, both at work and leisure: When I’m not working I spend the weekend with my family either in the mountains or in the city. I am based in Vienna and though we are a remote working company I like to go to the office. I try and play a game of tennis during the week and go on a long bike ride on the weekend. It’s important to get out and exercise when you’re so engrossed with work. Sadly finding the time to read has become rare but if I can squeeze in a few pages a week I’m happy. 
  3. Which product or service do you offer, and who are your competitors? The powerful platform is popular amongst professionals in advisory roles such as in Corporate Finance, M&A, and Tax and Audit, as well as Investment Managers in Private Equity, Venture Capitalists, and Family Offices. Large corporations also use Valutico for Strategy, Financial Reporting, and Investor Relations. Excel / the spreadsheet is our main competitor but as you may know its prone to human error, time consuming and hard to consolidate etc. 
  4. How did you get the business idea and take it from launch to the current stage, including fundraising? Whilst working M&A Deutsche Bank I was frustrated with the status quo in Corporate Finance and Investment Management: That due to lack of data and know-how, professional equity valuations were only available to the world’s most sophisticated advisors and investors. There was no tool other than Excel at the time so my co-founder and I came up with a solution.
  5. Any key lessons from your scaling and fundraising journey? Key lessons- Don’t do it too late, fundraising takes several months and there can always be delays- Explore non-dilutive options, such as grants and revenue-based financing
  6. What are your plans for the next 6-12 months, and how can our network help? Plans- Increase efficiency in our go-to-market teams – Professionalise and hire into engineering & product teams- Execute our product roadmap
  7. What’s on your bookshelf? Your favourite place for a coffee or a drink? Books / Places- Currently “Amp it up” by Frank Slootman- Coffee: I am lucky to be based in Vienna, where we have a long coffee culture and many coffee houses; i try to mix it up and not go to same one all the time